Ryan Lutz took Short Course and 8th buggy classes in style this weekend at the Nor-Cal Championship series at Nor-Cal Hobbies!

“In Short Course I ran my DESC410R and it felt great!  I didn’t touch it the entire day, just ran my one practice, two qualifiers, and the A-main. I was able to TQ every round of quals and take the victory in the A-main. For fun in the second qualifier I ran on the 1/8th layout (there was an option lane for the SC guys). I was only 1.4 seconds a lap on the 1/8th layout slower than my 1/8th buggy and truggy. My little DESC410R was flying – running the optional centre diff I was skying the huge hip jump with it and launching it off the back table top. It was a lot of fun and people were very impressed with its performance.” Ryan Lutz

Ryan is using the Tekn Rx8 and 4.5 Sc4x in his Desc410r

Andrew Mowery wraps up the Twin Cities Winter Championship series!

The Series final would be 3 days of racing with some of the best talent around.

“Stock Foam sedan was excellent. Little bad luck in quals had me starting in 4th but finished in 1st. Making the winter season Champion in Stock Foam sedan me.. So a good winter of racing.. 10 week championship starting in OCT.

Mod 1/12th was a little light for turnout but still was some incredible talent pools with national ranked drivers. Took a early lead in the mod 1/12th and never looked back . Great ending to another Championship season for myself and Tekin.” words by Andrew Mowery

Tekin’s Darren Johnston wins 2011 New Zealand Electric Offroad Nationals, twice!

The 2011 Electric offroad nationals were held in the sunny Hawkes Bay on the East Coast of New Zealand over the weekend of April 1st ,2nd and 3rd. In total there were approximately 125 entries which is very good by New Zealand standards.

“I arrived early on Friday morning for practice and there was already alot of people there. The track looked very good. After running my cars in practice it was obvious the track was also going to stay very very slippery all weekend as well. In fact it was probably the slipperiest track I have ever run on. 

Qualifying went ok but I was never quite on top of my driving and ended up 2nd in Truck Mod , 2nd in 2WD mod and 5th in 4WD mod. After a long night wrenching and changing a few more things it was finals day. I was quietly confident I could do better than qualifying. Each class had three finals with the best two counting towards your points and your throw out race being used as a tie breaker. 

In Truck mod things did not go well in the first final and I had to pull out after two corners with a broken front arm. But luckily for me things went very well in the final two finals and I won them both setting fastest race and fastest lap time along the way. I also had the only 12 lap run of the meeting in Truck Mod in the second final giving me the National Championship in Truck Mod with Tekin Power! 

In 2wd mod things were going to be very very close between myself and two other drivers. In the first final I had a second after struggling with a bad start and fighting my way back through the field. In the second final there was an early three way battle for the lead but by the half way mark the other two drivers had made errors and fallen back so I went onto win. In the third and deciding final I sat third all the way and in the end only missed 2nd by 0.08 second. The other top three driver Steve Oyston ran away with this race driving a faultless race. So that meant there were three of us tied on 19 points. However because my throw out race was a third and the other two drivers throw out race were much lower results I became the 2WD modified National Champion with Tekin Power. 

In 4WD modified I had had two good results in the first finals but neither of them were wins. I had a mathematical chance of winning my third national title for the weekend but I would have to win and some other results would have to go my way. My car was now as quick as the other two drivers that were in with a chance and in the third final we were running nose to tail for a while. In the end I finished a couple of seconds away from first in a mistake free run. So I was third overall.

It was a great weekend for me my Tekin motors and speed controllers performed faultlessly. And it was the versatility and adjustability of the Tekin Speed Controllers that helped me adapt to a very slippery track.” words by Darren Johnston.

Congratulations Darren!

David Joor wins again at Rd 2 of the 2011 RC Pro Series held at Indy RC.

“I attended the 2011 RC Pro US Series Round 2 at Indy RC this past weekend and after coming from my wins from the Icebreaker and 2011 RC Pro Texas State Series Round 1.

Qualifying in electric was what I was hoping for by setting TQ in rounds 2,3, and 4. I also set the fastest overall round even over nitro buggy with an 11 5:13. As for nitro it was nothing but troubles here and there and was going to start off in 6th. 

In the mains for electric I took the win in the first two mains by leading wire to wire from my TQ position with a dominate lead in round 1 by 17 seconds and round 2 by 15 with Team Associated’s Kraig Kruegar taking the second place spot. ” words by David Joor

David Joor and Martin Harrison win the Louisiana State Champs!

TQ&1st - David Joor
2nd- Traig Clark
3rd-Martin Harison
all Tekin Powered!

David Joor Tq’d the first three rounds in electric and nitro pro buggy securing Tq honors. He was also the only vehicle to break into the 11 lap realm and buggy to get into the 28 second lap times. David won all three of the electric mains.

Tekin teammate Martin Harrison also won Electric Truggy beating out Tq Traig Clark.

1st- Martin Harison
2nd&TQ- Traig Clark
3rd - Rob Jenson
all Tekin Powered

Alan Burton checks in from the Psycho Nitro Blast!

“My 1900kv motor and Tekin System was super reliable at the Psycho Nitro Blast in Unadilla Georgia. The track was hard on equipment, rough, and with lap times in the 55 second range it was great to have good equipment! I was able to finish 3 overall in A1 and 4th in A2. for a event finish of 4th overall. Tekin is truly the best, easy to work with, and with great customer service I would recommend anyone to choose the Tekin product line!”  Alan Burton

Andy Castellini getting back up to speed at Bumps and Jumps Elite Electric Challenge.

Andy Castellini qualified well Tq’ing Mod truck, 2nd in Mod 2wd Buggy, and 2nd in Spec 17.5 Short Course.

Long 10 minute mains were tough on all involved. Andy finished up the event with a 2nd in Mod Truck, 3rd in 2wd Mod Buggy, and 2nd in Spec 17.5 Short course. This was Andy’s first time with a 17.5 short course.

Andy used the following winning combinations:

Mod Truck: RS Pro 8.5 Redline
2 Wheel Mod: RSPRO & 10.5 Redline
Short Course 17.5 Spec : RSPRO & 17.5 Redline

Tekin’s Zack Rogers reports from Rd 1 of the JRBL Electric Series!

“The 2011 JBRL was off to a great start at Hotrod Hobbies in Valencia,Ca. With around 280 entries it was one heck of a long day for all the racers. After my last years performance in the SuperStock classes I decided to run Mod this year, hoping to gain experience with running with some of the pro guys such as Mike Truhe, Frank Root ,Hupo Hongio, Jurn Numann, along with many other rising talent. In my Mod 4wd I was sitting 3rd after both qualifiers only to line up behind both of Team Durangos factory guys sent here from different countries to start practicing for next weeks Cactus Classic. In 2wd I put in my best run in the first qually to which put me just under a second off TQ, sitting behind Frank Root and in front of Mike Truhe, both from the TLR camp. But after a quick pace in the second round from both of the Durango guys I was bumped back down to 5th on the starting grid.

After waiting all day to race around 8:30 my first main which was mod 4wd was up and I was more than ready to grap the wheel. Turn one was fairly clean and everyone got out only a spot or two from where they started. I came by the line on lap one in 2nd spot and was looking good for half the race and then piped it which moved me back to 4th. After a long fought battle with Hupo I ended up 3rd behind both of the Durango guys once again. A good hour or so later was the 2wd main event and I wanted a taste of the podium once again, but after getting caught in the first corner pile up my chances were not looking to good as I was running 7th or so. A few laps in I got in my rythem and moved into 4th where I would end up finishing! I would like to thank Tekin products for getting me the power I needed to finish strong with my RS Pros and 7.5/8.5 motors!” Zack Rogers