Tekin wins Exeter Hobbies Fall Classic

Exeter Hobbies held their Exeter Hobbies Fall Classic which would bring over 90 entries.

Saturday Morning would bring an early start of 6am with controlled practice running till 8:30am. Tekin team drivers would be fighting each other for the overall Tq in 2wd Mod Buggy, 4wd Mod Buggy, and 2wd Mod SC Truck.  Ryan Dunford would take the overall Tq over teammate Derek Stephansen in the 4wd buggy class. Derek would return the favor taking the 2wd Mod Buggy overall Tq and 2wd Mod SC Tq as well.

The 4wd buggy A-main was up next.  At the start of the tone it would be a race through the option line with Dunford taking the outer lane and Stephansen through the ripples on the inside. Having gone through this line all day with no mistakes, Stephansen would bobble on the first lap sending him to tenth. This would remove all pressure from Duford who was on point with his Tekin powered TLR 22-4.  Running the RSX and Redline Gen2 5.5 motor, he pulled away from the field leading wire to wire for the 7 minutes never worrying about power.

exeter 4w mod

2wd Mod SC was up with Tq Derek Stephansen taking a lap on the field at the final tone. Derek chose the Tekin RSX esc and Redline Gen2 in 7.5 Turn to dominate the field.  “My Tekin powered SCT had great power all main long!” Stephansen

Exeter Hobbies SCT podium

4wd SC had Ryan Dunford start from his Tq position in his Tekin RX8 Gen2 powered TLR SCTE 2.0 to victory from the TQ position using the Tekin pro4 4600 motor.  Tekin teammate Doug “Casper” Nielsen would join Dunford on the podium in the 2nd position running the same system.

exeter 4wsc

Come mains time Stephansen would be start from the pole in 2wd Mod A-Main. Stephansen would get a great start and begin to stretch his lead over 2nd until a CVD would ultimately fail while leading. This would give Dunford the lead. On lap 2 coming onto the sweeper Dunfords car flipped over and he would fall to last. For the rest of the 7 minutes, he pushed hard and would pass for 2nd place on the last lap.

exeter 2w mod

Sanford and Tekin win Mugen GP Series!

A mistake free run on a wet track,  Tekin powered Lucas Sanford would set the TQ at  final round of the Mugen Seiki Grand Prix Series. Sanford would better his TQ with a win in round 2 on a dry track on AKA Soft Impacts, and would start the 10 minute A-Main on the pole.

Lucas got a great start in the Main, and my Tekin Rx8 Gen2 T8 Gen2 1900kv powered Kyosho MP9e TKI stretched out a big lead. Sanford would continue tor run mistake free, finishing the race in first place and also took the overall series win!


1. Lucas Sanford (Kyosho) 2. Miguel Perez (Mugen) 3. Jaime Boquiren (Mugen)

“I would like to thank all of my sponsors for making it happen: Sanford and Son RC, Kyosho, KO Propo, AKA, DE Racing, Tekin , TTN Racing and Upgrade RC. Thank you to Heritage RC Park, to race announcers Billy Tompkins and Dave Brown, and especially to Mugen Seiki for sponsoring this great series.”  Lucas Sanford

Flurer dominates the JConcepts East Coast Challenge

This past weekend Max Flurer attended the JConcepts East Coast Challenge at the The Warehouse RC Complex in Haw River, NC. Tekin powered Max Flurer was table to take the Tq and win in all 4 classes he ran.

JC east coast Challenge

Max chose the following Tekin gear in all of his TLR factory rides:

Tekin RSX esc and Redline Gen2 5.5 motor in his TLR 22-4

Tekin RSX esc and Redline Gen2 7.5 motor in his TLR 22 2.0

Tekin RSX esc and Redline Gen2 7.5 motor inhis TLR 22 SCT 2.0

Tekin Rx8 Gen2 esc and Pro4 4600kv motor in his TLR SCTE 2.0

All tuned with the Hotwire 2.0 USB device.

Adam Drake takes the JBRL Series Title.

Round 6 of the JBRL Nitro Series was held at Revelation Raceway in Ontario, CA. Once again the series attracted a large amount of talented drivers with a total of more than 120 entries. Adam Drake tq’ed and won the Expert Electric Buggy class with his Tekin powered TLR 8ight E 3.0.  Adam chose the award winning Tekin Rx8 Gen2 Esc and T8 Gen2 1900 and T8i 1950 to power him to his JRBL series title after wrapping it up early in the first 6 races.

Tekin TD DRAKE JBRL 2014


Timberlake takes win RD1 SMCC Winter Series

Team Tekin Driver Paul Timberlake using the Tekin RSX and Gen 2 6.5 Motor took the win in the A main – Round One of SMCC Winter Series.

A damp track greeted the driver’s early Sunday morning qualifying, knowing this most drivers opted for the softer Silver compound tyre. Round’s one, two and three would be shared between Kevin Lee and Paul Timberlake meaning the final rd, (using the rd by rd format) would be a straight fight between the two drivers, and the big question was, was it dry enough for dry tyres. Yes was the answer. A scrappy fourth rd, enable Kevin to take the overall Top spot on the grid. A close second was Paul Timberlake, and 3rd was Nigel Buck.

A Main Final: An early mistake by Kevin allowed Paul to take the top spot, and he didn’t look back from there. As hard as Kevin chased, he didn’t have the ultimate pace to catch Paul, although a couple of late bobbles allowed Kevin to close the gap, but Paul held his nerve and took the Win.



“As always my Tekin equipment worked faultlessly. The only change I made during the day, was to wind down the boost just until the track dried. Then once the track dried later in the day, I reverted back to my std settings.” Paul Timberlake

Bornhorst takes Rd1 of the WRL series!

Tekin factory driver Joe Bornhorst attended Rd1 of the Winter Racing League series held at CRCRC, Ohio RC Factory, and Sparks Park respectively.  Joe entered the Pro4 SC class and 1/8 E buggy divisions.

“On Friday afternoon, I arrived at the track and began to get ready for some practice runs. Both of my Tekin powered Tekno vehicles were on point from the first lap on the track, which made the night pretty easy on me. Since no changes were needed for my cars, I spent my time breaking in my AKA Clay Typos, and continued to learn the track. It was a pretty basic practice night.

On Saturday morning, I arrived at the track bright and early and prepared for the day. I ran each of my cars twice, which served as a nice warm up for the racing that soon followed. Throughout every round of rocket round qualifying, I was able to hold the TQ spot in both classes, with the 2nd round being the quickest runs for me in both classes. As the day went on, the track began to dry out but still no changes were needed for either of my cars.

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Going into the mains, I felt quite confident that I could hold onto the top spot, but I knew that I would still have to have clean runs to bring home the wins. Luckily, I was able to do just that, and pulled away from the pack to take the wins in both main events!

I would like to thank all of my sponsors for the continued support, Tekin, Tekno RC, Magic Hobbies, AKA, MIP, Avid, SMC Batteries, PT RC Racing Oils, the Radio Impound Podcast, and Double Crossed Designs.

Tekin products used:

Ebuggy: RX8 Gen2 and Gen2 T8 1900, Hotwire 2.0

Pro4: RX8 Gen2 and Pro4 4600, Hotwire 2.0

Photobomb Tekin and Win an RSX System!


Show us your Tekin and we’ll show you ours!  Post a picture of any Tekin product or Tekin advertising photobombing you and we’ll show you some love in return.  Post that picture on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, or Instagram using #MYTEKINiic  and the winner chosen at random will receive a brand spanking new Tekin RSX Esc and Redline Gen2 motor of their choosing.

Tag the following pages for a chance to win a Tekin Hotwire with the winning system increasing your swag package by tagging us on the following pages:

Instagram:  Tekinracing

Facebook:  Tekin Racing

Google + TekinRacing

Twitter: TeamTekin


Contest ends Oct 31st 2014

Contest rules and info:
The winner will be chosen at random and be notified via the chosen posts social media. The picture must include a picture of you along with a Tekin product, Tekin banner, Tekin wear item, or other to official Tekin item to become eligible.
Winner shall agree to be used in any and all advertising rights regarding this contest. Winner authorizes Tekin to use their picture and likeness to be posted on social media as well as other sites at Tekin’s discretion. If the winner chooses to send a follow up picture once the prize package is received their picture will be on the Tekin Facebook Fan Page for a week!

Dave Ehrlich cools the competition at the Big Chill

Dave Ehrlich ran up north of the board to attend The Big Chill 2014 in Chilliwack Canada.  Dave chose to run his VBC Racing cars to help dial in his new Tekin power under the hood.  Dave ended up finding the “spot” which was validated by his triple Tq and triple win weekend!

Dave Ehrlich Tq’d Modified TC running a Tekin RSX and 5.0 Redline Gen2 in his VBC Racing D06 DE edition. Dave once again chose the Tekin RSX and Redline Gen2 but this time chose a 4.5T motor in his VBC Lightning G12.  Dave chose the Tekin RS Gen2 to power his VBC Lightning F formual 1 car.  3 classes, 3 Tq’s, 3 wins….

Big chill 8 Big chill 9

Big chill 2

Dave Ehrlich will be looking for more success attending the International Indoor Champs held in Las Vegas next week which is brought you to by Scotty Ernst and title sponsored by Tekin!

Stop by the Tekin tables, say hello and see what’s new with Team Tekin.


Tekin and Mark Moon win SOS Finally!

On September 27 2014 the SOS Series finally would be held in Loganville Ga. With well over 170 plus total entries. This was a 4 race series that took place in Ga. People from Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee and other surrounding states made the trip to the series and finals. Tekin had drivers Mark Moon, Peyton MacDonald, Shay Brand, Griffin Hanna, and Blane Allen were in attendance for the SOS final to not only race but offer support to anyone running Tekin equipment.

Mark Moon,  Shay Brand, Peyton MacDonald, Griffin Hanna,

Mark Moon, Shay Brand, Peyton MacDonald, Griffin Hanna,

Tekin powered Mark Moon would take the overall win in 2wd Mod Buggy with TQs and wins in the last 3 events. In 1/10 4wd Mod Buggy, Moon would take and 2md overall. “This was the best racing and talent I’ve seen at a series race in years. In 2wd we had a stacked field of drivers in the main.” Moon

Mark Moon, Blane Allen

Mark Moon, Blane Allen

“I used my Tekin RSX esc in both vehicles to take the wins in the A mains. I ran gen 2 7.5 in the 2wd buggy and a 6.5 gen 2 in the 1/10 4wd. Let me say this in ending, without the smooth power that these great speed controls provide I couldn’t do these things without Tekin. Thank you guys once again for the great product.” Mark Moon

SOS Pro E-Buggy

In 1/8 E Buggy Tekins Shay Brand  was able to get the TQ in all 3 rounds of qualifying in Pro E-Buggy, which gave me the overall TQ with Tekin teammate Griffin Hanah not far behind. Brand had a great start to the 10 minute a-main, and was able to take advantage of his TQ position and never look back. Tekin teammate Griffin Hannah was able to get into the 2nd position, and stay there for the entire race solidifying the Tekin 1 and 2 finish for the finals. Shay Brand was also able to take the overall Series win in Pro E-Buggy!  “I was running the Tekin RX8 Gen2/T8 Gen2 1900kv combo in m Mugen MBX7-Eco buggy for the entire series. It was always consistent and offered smooth and controllable power. Huge thanks to all my family and all my sponsors for making this possible for me!”


Tekin dominates in the South! Rx8 Gen2 sweeps all 3 E-classes!

2014 Southern Nationals was held in Monroe Louisiana. Tekin team driver were in attendance and making sure their presence was known. With a technical layout and somewhat slippery conditions in practice it was sure to make for close racing all weekend. The race was setup for 3 rounds of qual points and triple A-mains.

1/8 E Buggy had an entire podium filled with Tekin factory drivers. Tyler “Too Fast” Hooks would take the overall win with teammate Brian “Smiley” Henn along with Chad Panek in 2nd and 3rd respectively.  All 3 drivers chose the award winning Tekin Rx8 Gen2 esc and T8 Gen2 line of motors.

Exp. Electric Buggy:  1)  Tyler Hooks  2)  Smiley Henn  3)  Chad Panek

Exp. Electric Buggy: 1) Tyler Hooks 2) Smiley Henn 3) Chad Panek

In E-Truggy Tyler Hooks would Tq with Martin Harrison starting from P2 going into the triple A’s.  A1 Hooks and Harrison were able to get out front and put in solid laps. Hooks would take the  with teammate Harrison taking 2nd.  In A2 I followed closely in 3rd as Tyler Hooks would break and allow me to move in the 2nd spot behind Brad Ripple. Brad would then fall with mechanical failures with 3 laps to go allowing me to take the win. A3 I was in a tie with Tyler Hooks for the overall and locked in for a solid 2nd. With a horrible start that I could not recover from, I finished 2nd overall.  All 3 drivers chose the award winning Tekin Rx8 Gen2 esc and T8 motor line.


Electric Truggy: 1) Tyler Hooks 2) Martin Harrison 3) Brad Ripple

In Pro4 Tekin power would dominate the event. Tekn factory driver Brian Smiley Henn would Tq the division with Martin Harrison in P2.  A1 Henn and Harrison would get out  to a fairly clean for some great heads up racing together. Harrioson was able to make a pass to take over the lead about mid race and never looked back. Harrison taking A1 with Henn in two in 2nd. A2 there would be 3 lead changes between Harrison and Smiley Henn putting on a driving show. Harrison would hold on to the leading making the only 12 lap run in A2 to take the overall win in Pro4. Harrison said “Making the decision to remove the over powered HD 4300kv motor and install the Pro4 4600kv was important in my victory for the Pro4 class. The Pro4 HD was just too much for the slick conditions and proves that having the right equipment at the right time can make a difference.”  Once more all 3 drivers chose the award winning Tekin Rx8 Gen2 esc and Pro4 or Pro4 HD line of motors.


4wd Open CORR: 1) Martin Harrison 2) Smiley Henn 3) Brad Ripple